The Seven Soft Spots of Aging video

In the book Grey Ocean Strategy, Agewise Marketing for the Mature Consumer, these video’s are used to illustrate the storyline. Do have fun looking at them.

Bay Audiology

Frank Sinatra

Dove ”Pro Age”

Leonard Nimoy

Albert Heijn





Bay Audiology
When creating value propositions for products like hearing aids or painkillers, the focus should not be on the problem that will be solved but on how using the product will enhance the consumer’s quality of life. Have a look at how Bay Audiology did so in Australia.

Frank Sinatra
It is worthwhile to consider using music in the commercial to touch the right senses of the mature consumer. Just have a look at to what Michelob did with music back in 1988.

Dove ”Pro Age”
Authenticity was a key element of Dove’s “Pro-Age” campaign. Based on the age-affirmative strategy, women in their fifties and sixties were featured rather than professional models.

Leonard Nimoy
If a celebrity explains in an authentic, genuine way what the added value of the product is and the relevance to him or her, the mature consumer will perceive it as an honest message. A nice example is the American actor Leonard Nimoy.

Albert Heijn
Humanizing the brand. An important marketingcommunication strategy to reach the mature consumer. Have a look at how Mr. van Dalen has been humanizing the brand Albert Heijn.

A good example of the soft spot Connectivity, though not primarily targeted at the mature consumer, is the Bertolli campaign in which people of all generations share a memorable experience.

One of the older campaigns of MacDonalds is a good example of a campaign with a positive outlook on life that involves several generations. It shows a new experience and combines the younger and the older generation.

How an about 100 year old keeps sharp by playing the Nintemdo DS.


More video’s:

